

Bonjour, bonsoir, bon matin pis toute,

Ça fait 3 ans jour pour jour aujourd’hui que j’ai abandonné mon.. deuxième? blogue pour en entamer un d’écriture journalière. (dailyvomit.wordpress.com)

Bref, je participe à un projet d’écriture journalière durant tout le mois de février, ça s’appelle “Couch to 5K” et c’est organisé par le fameux site web WritersHQ géré par deux personnes hautement sympathiques.

So, today, I’ve written my first day. It was only 10 minutes, but it helped me realise just how many more words I have to write in order to have my whole book. For now, it is resembling a jigsaw, and its plot has quite several holes. Holes I intend to patch, of course. But that’s what writing is about: writing and writing and then, fixing things. That’s why it’s called draft zero. Not even one, but zero. I refuse to think about how many more I need. For now, it is the best part: the writing and the imagining and the feeling of the words, of the sentence that leads to scenes and then, chapters, etc…

I wish I could share this one, believe me. Next time, I’ll try my hand at my elevator pitch, see if any reader out there would be interested.

Until then, cheers.

– hW

(P.S. https://writershq.co.uk/the-writers-hq-couch-to-5k-words-new-year-butt-kick/ )