Being sick in November



So what happens when you catch a big cold that degenerates into an eye infection, then an ear infection, is that you unfortunately have no energy left for anything except work. I kind of failed NaNoWriMo this year, but I do have every intention of pursuing it in December. 

To be honest, I don’t think that I could have achieved my 25 K goal even if I didn’t get sick. 

The good side is that the more I write and think about my story, the more I can flesh out the characters and see them take shape. I am also slowly getting more organised – which is something important and big for me – even attempting at creating character “cards”. 


Ce qui arrive lorsque quelqu’un attrape un gros rhume, qui dégénère en conjonctivite, puis en otite, c’est qu’il ne reste plus d’énergie pour rien hormis le travail. Ce qui équivaut à peu près à dire que j’ai lamentablement échoué à compléter NaNoWriMo cette année. Cependant, j’ai tout à fait l’intention de poursuivre le défi en décembre. 

Pour être honnête, je ne crois pas que j’aurais pu atteindre mon objectif de 25 000 mots, même sans être malade. 

L’aspect positif dans tout cela est que plus la rédaction et la réflexion avancent, plus j’ai l’histoire et les personnages prennent forme. Également, autre aspect, je m’organise (lentement mais sûrement) mieux. Ce qui n’est pas rien pour quelqu’un comme moi qui a du mal à organiser et planifier mon écriture. J’ai même commencé à rédiger des fiches pour mes personnages!

– hW

NaNoWriMo, Day 6 


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Yes, I know, this is day 7 but I forgot to write my entry for yesterday, so here we go.

I had more time yesterday to write, since I didn’t go to my class and had little to do other than write. So I wrote almost 900 words, which brings my count up to a little bit more than 3 500 words. It’s not that bad, for someone who has a zillion things to do all the time. I’ll try to keep it up. 

Maybe I should try to get up earlier to write a bit in the morning as well, since the story has had time to marinate a little bit overnight. It’s cruel to have to leave it for a whole 8 hours while the story is begging to unfold and that the characters are waiting to be explored in depth. Oh well. 

That’s it, off to work. These bills won’t pay themselves!

– hW

NaNoWriMo, lost days



Yup. I knew it would happen: I didn’t make enough time during my weekend to sit down and actually write 860 words per day. So now I’m lagging behind. I feel rather bad, because this would have been one of the good things in my life right now. 

This is what happens when you’re an adult and you take up responsibilities. Your passion takes a back seat until god-knows-how-long. It sucks. But I’m not going to stop NaNoWriMo, I just won’t be able to complete it in time, probably. At least, I want to try and continue because I believe in my novel. It’s just begging to spill itself out on the pages, awaiting patiently in my mind. 

All I need is time. 

Day 2 of NaNoWriMo


It was harder today. I don’t think that me being exhausted, both physically and emotionally, is very productive. At least I got to flesh out more scenes and try to make more sense into my story. It’s easy to just rush and write, but it’s another story to know where to go and what direction to find. I must admit that I’m a bit at a loss, and that my English does not flow as freely when I’m this tired. Hopefull it’ll be better tomorrow.

If you have any tips or advice for me, feel free.


– hW

First day of NaNoWriMo


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So this is my first NaNoWriMo day. I mean, it’ll be after my work day. The challenge is more to find time between work and my personal life to write 860 words. 

I even closed my Facebook account. I’ve never done that since I first registered, back in 2007 (or 2008?). At least I think. Anyways. I will be re-writing Cassius’ Chronicles and I hope my muse won’t fail me. 

I will try to keep this blog updated to give news about my November writing. Hopefully I can rekindle the passion for writing and for good. Inspiration! 


– hW